This year the we had a special interest in the World Day of Prayer on 6th March 2020. The worship service for that day is developed by women from a different country each year, and in 2020 the country is Zimbabwe. Even more relevant for the JBMS is the chosen theme: ‘Rise! Take up your mat and walk’ – spoken by Jesus as he cured a sick man. As our mission is to look after the needs of those still suffering in Mutemwa, Zimbabwe where John Bradburne worked, we feel a special affinity with those words, and with the aspirations of people all over the world who will be praying together on that day.
As most people are aware, the situation in Zimbabwe is currently extremely grave, with food in very short supply, following the lack of expected rain, and a severe shortage of electricity and fuel. To take up another of Jesus’ sayings, in the Sermon on the Mount, we therefore feel we should ‘go the extra mile’ and make a special effort to help safeguard the community in and around Mutemwa at this very difficult time.
We were hugely grateful to those parishes and individuals who gave generously to JBMS for the World Day of Prayer, we raised £854.00 from your donations alone. This will go a long way in supporting our community in Zimbabwe. Thank you.