With the start of Lent approaching on the 22nd February 2023, JBMS has produced a Lenten booklet to use for meditation and praying to prepare for the coming of Easter.
The Stations of the Cross takes us on a prayerful journey, meditating on Christ’s journey to the cross.
The meditation and prayers feature reflections on injustices in our world today. Themes such as homelessness, poverty, suffering families, racism, prejudices and many others are featured, with the hope that we might work for justice and peace, with God’s grace.
As we read through this Lenten booklet, we also contemplate on the lives of our brothers and sisters living at Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre in Zimbabwe.
At the bottom of Chigona Mountain lies the Leprosy Care Centre, where John Bradburne devoted the last ten years of his life to the people living with leprosy, until his death in 1979.
The accompanying photographs of the fifteen sculptures, made with skill and dedication by Arthur da Silva Azvedo, were taken on a dawn walk up the mountain.