Discovering John Bradburne at Boarbank Hall, Cumbria

Friday 21st- 24th June 2019 (third night optional)

 Born in Cumbria, the son of an Anglican vicar, John ended his life caring for lepers in Zimbabwe.

He was a poet and musician, a Franciscan tertiary, a mystic, a lover of birds and bees.

The process for his beatification has begun.

Featuring Special Guest Speakers:

Professor David Crystal, Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor. He is the author of over a hundred books on a huge range of topics connected with language. He is currently editing the poetry of John Bradburne.

Dr Julia Pigott, who has been bee-sotted since childhood.  She and her husband run BeeEd ( and she works for the National Bee Unit.

 Topics for talks will include:

John Bradburne’s life

The poetry of nature and prayer

Human beings and honey bees


For up-to-date prices for our Guest House, please see our website. If you are able, we are grateful for any additional donation towards the cost of the courses.

Payment by donation only is available to students, the low-paid or anyone who needs it to attend.

Please don’t hesitate to ask!

For more information and bookings, please contact Sr Margaret Atkins on or 015395-32288.